About Us

first, you have to know our lingo. when typing on our blog, you have to randomly put NARWHALS in it. you also have to do the narwhal sign after every sentence (see end of this entry). anyway, we are an organized team, set out to stop narwhal extinction. oh, and our handshake is making an "x" with you and another person's index fingers. (:}-

stay safe and have fun! peace and NARWHALS!! (:}-


my god i miss sixth grade summer. this summer sucks and we've changed so much! i was so crazy! and angela! you were just plain retarded! (in a good way) grace, you paid no attention to james and you were on team b with angie n me and we were together in all classes (except social studies) i loved all mah teachers (except she-who-must-not-be-named) and had the best of times, and summer was better! i miss you all so much, so, i am leaving the site alone and making a new one, because even though we loved narwhals, we used this site for drama and other things, so a new site will be made with a login that we can all use and i will set up a new email address just for the site! love and miss you all! n/h <..>)~

Our users

one of our users is hard working, funny, and she helped me make narwhal pillow pets yesterday! that girl is sydney sandoval!!! (audience claps and hoots) peace and NARWHALS!!! (:}-